
Get Your FREE Halloween Printable: "You've Been Boo'd!"

A free printable to include with boo baskets or bags that you give out this Halloween season!

By Romina Symonds, Publisher for Macaroni Peabody-Salem-Marblehead September 15, 2023

Want to play a fun Halloween game? Have you heard of boo baskets or boo bags? Follow along for some fun!

What is a Boo Basket or Boo Bag?

A boo bag is a bag of fun Halloween themed treats that you put together and then gift to a friend or neighbor. You add an instructional paper that let's them know the rules of the game and then secretly drop the bag off on their doorstep as a surprise. Don't get caught doing it!

What Do I Do After I Receive One? 

  1. Enjoy the treats. 
  2. Create a boo bag or basket for a friend or neighbor that includes an instructional paper, and then secretly drop it off at their doorstep. 
  3. Put the "We've Been Boo'd" sign in your front window to let others know that you've already been boo'd this year. 

Why Should I Participate?

It's fun and the kids love it!